Rose Connolly, performed by Frank Proffitt

Dublin Core


Rose Connolly, performed by Frank Proffitt


NC Jukebox Collection


Recorded on July 24, 1939

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Down in the willow garden
Where me and my love did be,
Oh there we sit a-courting
My love dropped off to sleep.

I had a bottle of burglar’s wine
That my true love did not know,
And there I poisoned my own true love
Down under the banks below.

I drew my saber through her,
Which was a bloody knife.
I threw her in the river,
Which was a dreadful sight.

My father always taught me
That money would set me free,
If I would murder that pretty little miss
Whose name was Rose Connally.

He’s sitting now at his own cottage door
A-wiping his weeping eyes,
A-looking at his own dear son
Upon the scaffold high.

My race is run beneath the sun,
Though hell’s now waiting for me.
For I did murder that pretty little miss
Whose name was Rose Connally.



“Rose Connolly, performed by Frank Proffitt,” NC Jukebox Project, accessed September 8, 2024,

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